Please Advice: ”My HIV Positive Boyfriend Wants Us To Make Babies”

“I am engaged to a non financially stable guy and he is HIV positive (he’s taking his drugs) but am not, cos I’ve done several tests in different labs but still not positive till date.

We’ve dated for 8yrs now and I knew about his status like 4 years ago before we got engaged last year, am comfortable with him despite the medical and financial condition.
He’s a graduate and am having hope dat things will get better someday.

I take care of 70percent of our financial needs (through runs).
My parent gave their consent and I am living with him but I always have to have an excuse when ever I want to go out.
He’s been using condom with me, but now he said he wants to get me pregnant and wants to go raw, I am scared!!!

Don’t get me wrong, I love him so much, I am scared because I don’t know the kind of children we’ll raise as he gets sick easily and each time that happens I get so scared and I am his strength after God.

What do i do?”

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